14 Easy & Smart Travel Hacks | Carry On Packing Tips & Tricks


14 Travel Hacks - Carry On Edition

Whether you’re going on an adventurous vacation, glamorous city trip or a beach holiday, in this video I’ll share 14 luggage travel hacks to make your traveling easy and comfortable. You can even start preparing before your trip by getting the new bunq travel card.

Save up to 3% each time you pay as they don’t charge for payments abroad It's accepted world wide, including for flight and hotel reservations. There’s a one-time fee of 9,99 for the card but if you invite 3 friends you get the bunq Travel Card for free

1. Packing Cubes

Packing your carry on with packing cubes makes it so much easier and organized. Put t-shirts together in one cube and your pants in another and when taking them out you’ll know exactly where you put everything. In an upcoming video I’ll share you how to do this.

2. Create & use packing lists.

On the site Packtor you can easily create a packing list that is customized to your needs, destination and it even gives you a weather prediction. Fill everything in with the extra option for extra light and in the end you’ll get a list for things to do prior to leaving, what to pack etc. Create an account and save the list. And if needed you can create more lists for future trips

3. Colorful Luggages

Choose bright colored luggages. I love it when the luggages come on the belt because I can easily spot mine as it’s colorful compared to the other ones.

14 Smart & Easy Travel Hacks

4. Travel Patches & Stickers

Add patches or stickers on your luggage to make it stand out. If your luggage is made of fabric you can use iron patches to stick to them. If you have another type of luggage you can use big stickers so you can easily spot it.

14 Smart Travel Hacks: Colorful Luggage Covers

5. Colorful Luggage Covers

And if neither of the other two options work for you, choose colorful luggage covers. Not only does this make your luggage stand out, it also gives it extra protection. Plus you can use it on different types of luggages as well. Wash it if it gets dirty and use it again

6. Travel Capsule Wardrobes

If you only have a carry on you need to be smart about what you bring with you. That’s why I love capsule wardrobes. With just a few items I can create many different outfits using the same pieces. That way I can maximize on style while minimizing on weight. If you need more inspiration or items for your capsule wardrobe visit my webshop dressjoycy.com

7. Colorful Luggage Tags

Add colorful luggage tags. It’s a small accessory that is very useful as you can add your name plus it also allows you to easily spot your luggage and make it more unique.

8. Travel Sized Beauty Products

Travel sized beauty products are a must because it’s required when taking beauty products in your hand luggage. Plus if you’re going for a long weekend or a week you can save space and travel lighter by going for travel sized beauty products

9. Multipurpose Beauty Products

I love soap bars because it has many purposes. Use it as is or use it to wash your hair, wash clothes and if you mix a little bit with water in a spray you can use it as a body spray.

10. Travel Speaker Xoopar Boy

This is a Xoopar boy mini speaker. Simply connect via bluetooth to your phone and then the party can begin. And don’t forget to bring a power bank. I love these from Ideal of Sweden as they use fashionable prints that I’m sure many ladies will love.

14 Smart & Easy Travel Hacks: Shopper Bag

11. Shopper Bag

Add a shopper bag in your carry on so you can use it on the spot. That way you’ll have a bag you can use in the destination you’re traveling to.

14 Smart & Easy Travel Hacks: Travel Water Bottle

12. Travel Water Bottle

Take a travel bottle. Many people don’t know this, but if you pass security you can take an empty bottle and fill it after you passed control. This one is from Chilly’s features and the cool thing is that it will keep your water cool for 24h. Plus one of their missions is to create products that we can use over and over again so that we can help protect the environment and use less plastic.

13. Travel Scale

Take a small travel scale so you can weigh your luggage and avoid paying extra fees

14. Pouch for Electronics

And last but not least use a pouch to store your electronics so it doesn’t get tangles with your clothes and accessories.

Pack & Go With These 14 Travel Hacks & bunq  
Carry On Packing Tips & Tricks  

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